
Employee Spotlight: Q&A with Patrick G., Electronic Test Technician

Employee Spotlight: Patrick G., Electronic Test Technician

Patrick G., Electronic Test Technician and avid pinballer, got his electronics degree from Lincoln Technical Institute. He’s been with ACT for five years, but before that, he was in the Air Force working in communications/navigation avionics. Learn more about Patrick—though if you call him “Pat,” he won’t be offended—in our first-ever Employee Spotlight.

ACT: Hi, Patrick! Thanks for accepting this award. Tell us, what’s it like being an Electronic Test Technician?

Patrick: Hi, thanks! In a nutshell, we test all products through the build process, but also once a product is complete to ensure it leaves here functioning and up to our quality standards and customer specifications.

A day in the life is a combination of routine and dealing with the unexpected. We manufacture a lot of small parts, so a lot can be repetitive, but I really never know exactly what I’m going to get into in any given day. We’re constantly dealing with small issues when troubleshooting and having to course-correct, so you kind of have to stay on your toes. It’s the world of electronics.

ACT: Indeed, and test technicians play an important role. Has any of your military background carried into your role here?

Patrick: My role here is eerily similar to what I was doing in the Air Force. I was trained to repair avionics in planes and that’s kind of what I do here. The military equipment I used is similar to our equipment here, too. The military set me up well, because you wear many different hats and sometimes, I had to do additional duties. Like, I would have to do calibration or lead security and make sure all materials were filled out and locked up to stay confidential.

ACT: Sounds like it was a pretty easy transition into your role here. What made you want to work at ACT?

Quote: "I liked how the company was full manufacturing under one roof—from design to building metal work. It's cool, because a lot of place don't do everything themselves."

Patrick: I liked how the company was full manufacturing under one roof—from design to building to metal work. It’s cool, because a lot of places don’t do everything themselves. And the fact that we even do board repair, which ties into my air force experience, was another factor.

ACT: What’s one of your favorite things about your job?

Patrick: I’d say the problem-solving aspect of it. I like it because it’s a challenge at times and then it’s rewarding to resolve any issues that may crop up. I like getting product out the door and being a part of helping the whole ship sail smoothly.

ACT: Nice analogy! What can be challenging about your role?

Patrick: The troubleshoots. It’s what I like about the job, but it can be really challenging at times because when you’re under a deadline trying to solve a puzzle, there can be added pressure. I thrive under pressure, but it’s different for everyone.

ACT: Spoken like a true problem-solver. Do you have any advice for test technicians or folks looking to get into the power electronics industry?

Patrick: Don’t stop learning. You can always be better, know more. It may be daunting, but you can do it—you just have to start.

ACT: Those are some words to live by! What are your personal career goals?

Patrick: To always challenge myself. I want to be proficient at what I do, but I want to challenge myself to do extra and get out of my comfort zones. I don’t know where I’m going to end up in 10 years, but as long as I keep going, I’ll be proud of myself.

ACT: Keeping it personal, we heard you like pinball. Is this a hobby of yours?

Patrick: I’d say obsession, not hobby. I play pinball in a league and in tournaments and go to conventions. I also collect and repair machines—there’s a lot to the hobby and I have my hands in all of it. Especially being an electronic tech, it gives me the ability and skillset to repair the machines when they break, because they always break. It’s a constant game of whack-a-mole. But just like my role here, it’s rewarding. At the end of the day, having people enjoy my machine and helping friends get theirs working is a very satisfying feeling. I’ve met many new people in tournaments that I wouldn’t have without the hobby. A lot of people I know have been playing for 40 years (pinball dates back to the 1930s), but I would say that this is pretty recent for me—I got into it about 5 years ago. And when playing, there’s luck to it, but there’s also skills to it as well. There are actually shots and rules.

ACT: Wow—who knew?! What made you interested in pinball?

Patrick: I’ve always been pinball adjacent. Arcades were dead when I was growing up, but later on I started playing it on the computer and then sought physical games and then I was hooked.

Fun Facts about Patrick

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